CACIB Male Champion Male Perpignan (France) 2024


First show 2024 Perpignan CAC &CACiB Double Shows Weekend

Ch Taiho Go Tamashi Ken 

Cacib Male winner, Champion Male 1st 

Cac show Champion male 2nd

 Prod Zoran Gak & Ivana Gak 

Prop Borisov & Johnson

Eiko Go Daruma Kensha 

Cac show - open female 1st

 Cacib show - open female 2nd 

Prod Gioffre' Roberto & Francesca Modesti

Prop Borisov & Johnson & Johnson 

Judge Christopher Coppel (France) & Ilaria Biondi De Ciabatti (Italy)

Congratulations to all winners. Thank you judges, the organiser the prestigious ACTRL for well run shows. Many Thanks to French and Spanish exhibitors for hospitality and welcoming