Breed Seminar with Mr Kimoto Kazuo (Head of Judges, AKIHO Japan)


On Saturday 6th April we, the students of Japanese Akita, gathered at the beautiful history town of Grez-sur-Loing, it has been well known for its vibrant art scenes and artist community 70km south of France. 

The seminar was organized by AKIHO France board and their members who worked tireless to put together this wonderful education session for us.

Our mentor of the day was Mr Kimoto Kazuo, Head/Director of judges of AKIHO Hozonkai Japan. Sensei Kimoto walked us through valuable photos of akita dogs in the past from 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. His talk focused on the progress and changes of breed type pariticularly on the areas of colour, marking, ear sets and eyes on the lost 'sesame' ('goma') type, and the more commonly seen red dogs. There was also detailed discussion on brindle ('tora') type of dogs, the evolution of the brindle type, and the common faults and idea correct colour definition on red and black brindle dogs, details on these dogs overlooked and misunderstood by the least informed. 

We had some lovely rice made snacks which sensei Kimoto brought frome Japan for us.


Kimoto sensei arigatōgozaimashita. Mata ne <3