About Us>> Doncho
Doncho Borisov
FCI Judge 2, 3,5,8 & 9 Group (all breeds)
Kennel Association of Republic of Macedonia
Doncho Borisov is engineer for a computer science and technology, born on 4th of December 1985 in small town Radovishin east part of Republic of Macedonia.
President and one of the founders of the Kennel Club – Familiarisand organize many national and international dog shows and promote Macedonian cynology for many years.
One of the first breeders that import akitas from Japan in Balkans, visitor of a few AKIHO HONBUTEN shows in Japan. Participate to a lot of seminars for Japanese Akita, American Akita and Shiba inu.
Co-founder of Balkan Akiho Club and owner of kennel forJapanese Akita inu – INUMA KENSHA. Judge a lot of National and International shows and speciality and club shows for Akita Inu, American Akita, Shiba Inu, Shikoku, Kai,German Spitz, Japanese Spitz, Basenji,Yakutian Laika, Siberian husky, Alaskanmalamute, Samoyed,Chow-chow,West Siberian Laika,IcelandicSheep Dog,Wolf Spitz, Pomeranian, Eurasier, Peruvian Hairless Dog and Xoloitzcunitle speciality, Schnazuers Club Shows and Speciality shows for FCI group 3.
He is a judge for all breeds II, III, V, VIII & IX FCI groups, and his speciality is Japanese Akita Inu breed, judging before in Macedonia, Serbia,Italy Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Poland,Italy,Norway, Hungary, Czech of Republic, Belgium, Israel & Brasil
Languages: Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian & English
Links: About Us, Our Mission, Founder, Our Dogs